Sunday, November 21, 2010



a little known fact: the lawlogist does do arty stuff with her free time. just that she's a bit too lazy to go and scan them properly.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010





beyond these perfunctorily mediocre pictures lie a paramount milestone; these are some of my very first presentation images rendered on vray rhino*. now there is nowhere else to go now but up.

*which were only made achievable through the aid of many other colleagues and the repercussion of ranting moments about it's pointless and morbidly excessive application, which was not surprising given the headstrong ancient relic i am. i guess the upwards journey is also pretty damn long too.

Friday, October 22, 2010


ok. seriously, what was i thinking when i said i was gonna make this a design blog for derek's paper? seriously was i THAT high that time?

i could really make fun of myself and my overzealous resolutions the whole day huh.

anyway. i will not let this blog go to waste, mainly because it has this supertastic URL. this is lawlogy, the art and science of all things made of lawl, and the author is the lawlogist, real identity and name to be kept anonymous as usual. it is the primary study of restoring the author's artistic hobbies which have degenerated after four escher-isque years of university chasing rainbows. if you wish to connect with the author's bipolar, mildly depressed psych, visit foodgitive where you will be blinded with randomness . the lawlogist is just her arguably intellectual counterpart who serves to remind her that she still loves art.

but oh. the irony of my blog name. i'm laughing very hard as i write this. or really, LAWLING. but seriously, life is too short to come up with boring URLs and blog names, yes?


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


monday feedback - keep doing massing, explore ways to dig deeper into the site ground.
tuesday feedback - ditto and don't panic

Thursday, September 9, 2010

20100910 and 20100911

hi. sorry i didn't really have anything to show on last thursday as i was severely confused about my process and kept thinking that the environmental variables were to differentiate the form and layout (while when it was really vice versa - coming up with the programmatic layout and form, and THEN using the appropriate software to calculate the form's effectiveness). that i'm getting the grasp of right now.

just to get my head around all this, i'm posting everything that i've gotten organized so far and ruminate on my actions where i deem necessary.

here's what i've done in the last 2 days:
- started writing up a proper manifesto / cliental brief of my program
- drew up a proper excel spreadsheet defining specific spaces in relation to variables. obviously as i continue to read up on things it will serve as an ongoing working template.
- started designing variations of the program - much of it's been worked out on paper and i'm taking some time to transfer all the handdrawn illustrations into illustrator/rhino
- picked out the favourites (of the 100 models) based on previous analyses, and have now started experimenting with how i might integrate that with my programmatic layout.

this is on top of additional site analysis i did/am doing on my own (which i hope to bring into use in informing my decision-making):
- the material and colour catalogues
- the general overview of topographical colouration and materiality
- line of sight from site
- solar analysis via ecotect/revit
- other therapy and counselling services within the area (and others listed outside of the auckland region
- acoustics analysis from adrian and yun
- thoughts on how the surrounding areas could benefit from my program.

this is stuff i should have presented for the mid crit:
- aforementioned 100 models - akin to MDRDV's method of experimentation etc
- ecotect solar analysis files for each one.
- additionally, i imported all the files into revit to test solar/lighting

on the sideline, i am:
- reading up more about therapy for the expressive arts. as i've mentioned before, it has been significantly hard finding relevant information - mainly because aside it being a program not widely explored compared to other programs and most of them being small scale/home-based, so on top of the scarce information about pre-existing art therapy centres, the other areas i've been looking into are: conventional counselling centres, clinics, and studio design. here is a draft write up of what i've found useful during my research process (which i guess will continue to accumulate over time) i've also stopped referring to the metric handbook information since i've already accumulated what i needed.
- compiling profiles of expressive art therapists / therapy centres to gain an insight of how they operate/run their counselling sessions
- figuring out how to use the geco gh definition for massing in relation to site (could only get it to work with a singular mass geometry, but not with the site).
- still learning revit and ecotect

sorry as i know this whole going around in circles process has set me back quite a bit - i will be posting things when they start coming together, but i've set the deadline for all the aforementioned to be finished by wednesday (it's kinda taking a while to 'translate' my drawings into a digital format....)